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2002 Overview

The Next Wave: Shaping our Energy Future

16th Annual National Low Income Energy Conference
June 24-27, 2002
Harbor Beach Marriott Resort, Fort Lauderdale, Florida


The 2002 conference theme was The Next Wave: Shaping our Energy Future, embodying the changing tides of low-income energy issues. 

As the late Vicky Mroczek, then chair of the NLIEC, stated at the time: "The complex issues and evolving nature of the energy industry, government programs and this unprecedented period in our nation's history, demand that we use all our resources to sail safely through the tides that threaten our low-income constituencies."

For a list of 2002 conference speakers, click here.

To review a PowerPoint presentation on "AWARE: Always Watch for At Risk Elders" program, delivered at the conference, click here.

To review a PowerPoint presentation on residential energy efficiency, prepared by Southern California Edison and delivered at the conference, click here.

To review a PowerPoint presentation on energy efficiency in schools, delivered at the conference, click here.

To learn more about recent NLIEC conferences, click on one of the years below:

2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007

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